G&T makes the world go round

Touch down here we are in China some what worse for ware after an
extended G&T session on the plane

Chinese air ports are rocking. Our world bikes and trailer are waiting on
a trolley for us, dam it this is more efficient than the Swiss 😉

We managed to check in and get an early plane to Chengdu with no hassle.
That our bags are being over weight is not even a problem not even
any eye lid was batted.

After arriving in Chengdu we got straight on to the case with sorting our
permits but things are not looking good. Chris made a trip here 2 years
ago to check things out and the situation has changed completely.
We have a big challenge on our hands to get into Tibet with the bikes
after 2 fails attempts to join some American groups we decide to head
to bed and get a fresh look at it tomorrow ………

Change of Plan

after realising there is no way for us to fly in to Tibet (there is censorship of
the computer so we will now refer to it as this. We will be going in from the
north getting off the train before it go’s over the boarder and biking in we got
a train ticket and leave in 1 hour.

Till next time over and out Mike and Chris