Calle Wallin – Charlie Short Cut
The characteristics of someone that totally loves skiing, are some things that leaps to
mind when you ski with Calle. Even though you might have one of your best days on
snow yourself. There is a special dedication to every turn, to every angle of the slope,
to every snow crystal dancing around his feet and especially to the classical Short Turn.
But as much as he is enjoying the skiing, as much he is also enjoying the company of
fellow skiers and the social part of being together on the mountain, in the open air.
Calle is part of the infamous “Nyköpingsmaffian”, that has been roaming the Alps for
years, stealing tracks on hidden north faces and closing bars in remote ski resorts like
Nauders, Bonneville sur Arc or Passo del Tonale. Economy is on the schedule at his
everyday work, but that´s nothing he is bringing to the ski slopes. Then it is 100 %
skiing that matters. He is as comfortable in the Swedish mountains of Kittelfjäll and Åre,
as well as in the German speaking parts of the Alps. Although one of Calles favorite ski
resorts is the hidden Italian secret; Claviere, where no one normally is competing to
track up the untouched pow in the larch tree forest facing Cesana Torinese.
If you are lucky, Calle might be your guide on your next trip with Alpine Legends. The
summer is coming to an end, and so is the “summer-blogging” on our legendary guides,
the Dahu people, carefully handpicked, one by one. There can be no better feeling to
an employer than to have this lovely, beautiful, responsible and funny ski-loving guys
on the team!
Over & amp; Out!