80´s skiday in Engelberg

A week ago we had another fantastic 80`s skiday up in Engelberg.
Here is Johan all geared up in front of Okey shop, looking good….

Shane was in good form as always and even saved his mustache a bit extra 
just to have the right 80´s look


Here we are on the way to Titlis.

This has become an annual event and it was the fourth time we brought
out our spagetti skis and neon clothes or other 80´s style outfits. More people
than ever showed up and I would guess we were 60-70 people in total.

Shane was leading the way with his old time cassette recorder. Maja spent a
long time recording 80´s music on an old tape. First some warm up.

Then some traditional formation skiing

We took a few pitstops during the day. Stand, Iglubar, Jochpass and Unter-
trübsee. Here´s Lian and Kalle who came all the way from Gothenburgh just
to have the funniest day of his life in an 80´s outfit.

Shane brought his 80´s game Twister. A very hard game if you have a tight 
one piece suit…

We continued at Okey Shop where Dani from Okay shop had his end of season
party. Johanna joined in with her injured knee…

Johan and Ursula from Skilogde Engelberg changed from the old time 80´s style
to a more modern version and turned up for the BBQ, beautiful!

Three of the Engelberger mountain guides also had a good time at Danis. If
you ever need a good guide in Engelberg you can contact, Thomas, Remo or
Freddy at www.bergfuehrer-engelberg.ch

So much laughter in one day. I am already looking forward to next year. 
Keep celebrating the end of season and never through away your 80´s stuff.
