Trekking the Amalfi Coast

In the beginning there were eruptions, then there was the peninsula of Sorrento.
We oftenly speak about that we work only in leaning terrain. In steep surroundings.
After our first trip to the Amalfi coast we are even more proud to claim this fact.
Even if we hardly found any tracks, it felt like this must be the place where the real
Dahu was born.

These neighbourhoods get pretty crowded during the high season summer time. We
recommend early spring or autumn for a visit. We might´ve picked a risky period in early
November, but the nature could hardly show off a more vivid and nuanced scenery.

By the shore, where the steep cliffs meet the wild November sea of the Mediterranean,
that´s where the fishermen go out to find the biggest octopus and squid. Their
charming settlements climb up the green hills, creating leaning villages. We like…

Hitting off with some lovely hard steep uphill hiking from the excellent village of Praiano,
we took the Sentiero degli Dei, ”the Path of the Gods”. Once up around 600 msl. the track
goes slightly downwards along the dramatic mountain side to end up in the more well-
known neighbour village Positano.

Next day the Alpine Legends guide Lian took off to check out the close by island of
Capri, also a place hilly enough for a Dahu!

Once on the top of the world of Capri, 582 msl, you can easily enjoy the 360 degree
view of the tropical island. But the urge of getting the right lift-feeling before the
approaching winter season forced us to enjoy the one-seater down to the village of
Anacapri. Once down we were ready for some locally produced limoncello and unbeatable
pizza and gastronomic seafood, that you just find anywhere around here.

We will be back. Maybe already next spring….